Trenton (7 out of 10 ) This is a true horror classic! A must read/see for everyone interested in writing a horror screenplay.
Josh (8 out of 10 ) The movie was a 2 in 1. It was a comedy and a horror film which I thought was awesome.
manuel (10 out of 10 ) This movie is cool.
Jud (7 out of 10 ) Good script, fast read, strong action scenes but dialogue can be a little bland at times. The death scenes are well written also. This is one of those instances where the production blew the script up to be classic. Top 5 slashers of all time, easily.
Kevin (8 out of 10 ) Great script. It's always interesting when the writer also knows how the scene should be shot. Like someone else said here this is a great script to reference if someone was looking for a guide.
Ryan (9 out of 10 ) Great script! This is a scary and suspenseful one. True classic horror. Excited to read the rest of the series.